April 13, 2014
Apr 12/13 Show WINS for Jewel
Steel City K.C. Show
Crown Point, Indiana
JUDGES: Mrs. Judith A. Brown & Arley Hussin
On Sunday, TOLDIN'S JEWEL IN THE RUFF - Jewel, won her Bred by class, then went Winners Bitch and in best of breed ring was awarded BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX over Special to our KEEPIR's BEST OF BREED. It was Toldin's sweep on Sunday from the breeder judge Judith Brown. She told Frank she has lovely side gait and she loved her size and conformation. More points for Jewel towards her Championship! .... and on Saturday, Jewel went Reserve Winners Birch from the Bred by class awarded by Mr. Arley Hussin.

JEWEL is trained and handled by her breeder/owner FRANK LACKO!