Toldin's Diamond In the Ruff
SIRE: Am GrCh Szizlin Ripley's New York Groove
DAM: Toldins Roaneden She's Worth It! JH
DOB: December 9, 2012–
SEX: Female
OWNERS: Frank and Martha Lacko
Jewel is our newest girl addition. She is compact bitch with great muscle tone and wonderful, outgoing personality. Jewel was born on Dec 9th, 2012. Summer of 2013 at the age of 7 months, Jewel got her first show points at the first show in Michigan. She won Best of Winners over a nice entry of males and females from Ms. Rita Bell.Then in September 2913 at 8 months old she won Reserve Winners Bitch to a 5 Point Major at Vizsla Club Specialty in New Jersey. Jewel got her first Major by winning Winners Bitch at Michigan Vizsla Club Specialty in July 2014. She is continuing to be shown in Bred by Exhibitor and she is on her way to her Championship. Jewel is a great hunter and she will be going for her field title this fall. She needs one leg to complete her Junior Hunter title.