Always Cheesy Toldin Bohemia
SIRE: MultiBISS Am Gr.CH/Can CH Toldin's True To Tradition (Keepir)
DAM: Fay Dreams Of Toldin Kelecsky poklad (Fay)
DOB: October 8, 2021
SEX: Male
OWNERS: Martha Lacko
Romeo/Romy is the newest aspddition to our TOLDIN pack. He was Mr.Red and I had my eye on him since he was born into my hands. Vigorous puppy, moving right away, I had hard time weighing him and he latched on the nipple right away. I noticed he was a deep sleeper, not even his sibling fighting and running over him would make him get up. He is right now learning quickly about biting gently and going outside. He loves to play with his dad Keepir the most. I am excited to have another boy here and looking forward to our adventures together.