KEEPIR Offspring — Around the World
Zebi (Hungary)
Helvécia-Vadász Jogász
August 2023
Keeper’s son, Zebi, wins ‘Supreme Best in Show’ in Hungary. He won Best in Show Friday and then competed against the other two Best in Show Winners for Supreme Best in Show.
Arwen (Czechia)
Arwen Toldin od Hradové studánky
August 2023
Keepir’s daughter, Arwen, wins CAC (Points toward her CH title) and then to win Best Hunting/ Working dog (BIS Hunting dog) in the Czechia Klub chovatelů SHOW followed by the BEST OF BREED in a big entry of Vizslas and 2nd place in the Best in Show.
Sabel (Japan)
BuddydDog Toldin True Fellow
October 2023
Team Sabel, BUDDYDOG TOLDIN TRUE FELLOW+Ayako, got IMCLASS1st, BESTDOG, BEST OF BREED, and then went GROUP1st overspecial!! He got 3rd CAC, One more CAC to finish JKC CH. So proud of him and his very excellent handler, Ryoka Sumita.
GiGi (Canada)
Calabri Life’N Seoul Of The Party
September 2023
Keepir’s granddaughter, Miss GiGi won BEST OF BREED at the Vizsla Canada NATIONAL Specialty! Congratulations to her owners Tina Tanzi and Brielle Tanzi-Foshay.

Romeo (Czechia)
Always Cheesy Toldin Bohemia
August 2023
Keepir’s son, Romeo, finally had his debut in the show ring at the Czechia Klub chovatelů SHOW. After a total of one week of extensive training, he won his class!