July 10, 2021
What a weekend! Wow!!! V2/24: Toldin Vizslas in Czechia!
Czech Club Specialty
Location: Namest na Hane
Judge: Mr. Lakatos Istvān
On Saturday two of Keepir/Rose daughters, bred by Marketa Stastova, Arwen and Akky participated at the Czech Club Specialty at Namest na Hane. It was their first show and they were entered in the biggest class at the show, Trida Mladych (9-12 puppy) female class. There were 24 females entered, Arwen and Akky were the youngest. Akky received V (Excellent) award and showed nicely with her owner Marci Svozilova.

ARWEN - Arwen Toldin od Hradove studanky owned by Martha Lacko and Renata Mayerova was shown by Renata and held her own against more mature bitches, placed 2nd, and received V2/24 (#of entries in the class) and nice comments from the Hungarian Judge, Mr. Lakatos Istwan.

Note: V award is excec.
Note: Arwen received V2/24 (Awarded Excellent, placed 2nd out of 24 entries in Juniors 9-18 months group)

Official pictures coming soon! We are thrilled with Arwen’s introduction into the Czech Vizsla show circle!