July 10, 2022
Teak New American Champion!
Ann Arbor Kennel Club
Monroe, MI
Judge: Dr. Daniel W. Dowling
CH Toldin's Own Heart of Tectona Grandis (Teak) finished his AKC championship Friday with a 5 pt major / Winners Dog in the Monroe dog show. Great job, Teak! Then he took another 5 pt major for Select Dog Saturday with 45 Vizslas entered. And Sunday he took a 4 pt major for Select Dog with an entry of 39 Vizslas. This now begins his journey toward an AKC Grand Champion title. He is "all owner handled" by Diane for his points. Great teamwork! Teak also ran his first two Fast Cats this weekend with his best time of 26.7 mph for the 100 yds.